SEL & Executive Function: A Deep Dive into Self-Management and Responsible Decision Making

Social-Emotional Learning, Student Engagement And Differentiation, TMI Education-Envision

Self-control is a strong indicator of future success, regardless of intelligence or social status.  As educators, we cannot control our students’ SES or IQ but we do have the ability to affect their self-control.  However, just telling kids to control themselves or punishing them when they don’t, does NOT lead to increased executive function.  

All research shows that children who displayed greater levels of self-control were more likely to have better health, greater financial success, and more.  If you think these indicators are important, please make an investment in this session.  You and your team will learn several strategies that can be shared with the rest of your staff tomorrow!

This session is mandatory for all those who know that SEL is no longer “soft skills,” but an absolute must for success from the PARCC to post-secondary pursuits.  School safety teams have stated that this is one of the most relevant workshops they have attended. 

In this session you will:

  • five concrete, reproducible interventions for increasing neural activity and connections in the pre-frontal cortex (where executive function lives);
  • protocols for successful and productive group and center work; and
  • tools (digital and paper) for organization and task completion.

Time: 2.5 hours



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