How can you "skate to where the puck is going" if the ice is always changing?

We have heard it all before. From the great Wayne Gretzky's "Skate to where the puck is going, not where it has been" - to - Yogi's unrivaled words of wisdom, "If you don’t know where you’re going, you’ll probably end up somewhere else." Each points out the obvious - that successful organizations and those that lead them are forward-thinking, visionary, strategically thoughtful, and deliberate in approach. We get it.

Yet, like all sports, hockey and baseball are played in a reasonably controlled and predictable environment, one that is not politically laden, financially deprived, and where the rules are ever-changing. 

Experienced   |   Visionary   |   Empathetic   |    Determined 

TMI Education recognizes that one of the formidable challenges of the school administrator is to envision and plan an educational program that will best prepare our learners for their life and work in a world that is, at best, complex, complicated, and unpredictable. Therefore, our Strategic Visioning and Planning Solution is built upon a certain "uncertainty principle" and, thus, to be strategic means to be willing to ask "why," take risks, make difficult choices, value failure as a form of success, and accept imperfection on the path towards perfection.

TMI Education's 10-Step Strategic Visioning and Planning Process

20 years of experience has informed the following practical 10-step blueprint:

  1. We believe: Identifying your core values
  2. Why do we do what we do? Drafting a mission
  3. What will the future look like for our students?
  4. What skills will they need to succeed?
  5. Creating a shared vision: What does success look like?
  6. Conducting a gap analysis: Where do we stand now?
  7. Setting broad, long-range goals
  8. Crafting SMART objectives
  9. Building action plans to ensure that the work gets done
  10. Continuous formative assessment, evaluation, and adjustment

Rich Panicucci, TMI Education SVP, Strategic Planning Division and Lead Consultant

Richard Panicucci has served as TMI Education Lead Consultant since its inception in 1999. In 2019, Rich assumed the position of SVP to guide TMI's Strategic Planning Division.

Throughout his nearly 30 years in education, Rich has served as a teacher, administrator, adjunct professor, and educational consultant with a specialty in innovation and strategic planning.  He was heavily involved in the development and long-range planning for the Bergen County Academies in the 1990’s and has since also played a major role in their integration of the International Baccalaureate Diploma Program into CTE Programs of Study, in his role of Assistant Superintendent of Curriculum and Instruction for the Bergen County Technical Schools and Special Services.  In addition, he directed the design of several partnerships with industry and local universities that resulted in the creation of new secondary, dual enrollment programs that prepare students for emerging fields such as mechatronics and user experience (UX) design.  He has also written several publications in the areas of inquiry-based instruction and professional development.

To schedule your complimentary Strategic Visioning and Planning introductory consultative session today, please email or call Rich at:

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