The Profile of YOUR Graduate: Leading the Vision




Dr. Matthew Murphy, Ramapo College of NJ, MA in Educational Leadership Program Adjunct Professor and Former Ramsey Schools Superintendent and

Renee Janowicz, APR, Vice President Laura Bishop Communications

Monday, March 20, 2023

9:00 a.m.-11:30 a.m.

FEA Conference Center - Monroe Township, NJ

The Profile of a Graduate can serve as your district’s "North Star" for system transformation.

It provides strategic direction for redesigning the overall educational experience for students - teaching, learning, curriculum, assessment, and evaluation.

The Profile of Your Graduate will express a shared vision and mission to re-invigorate students, educators, and the community as part of your district's brand!

Leading the Vision:

Dr. Matthew J. Murphy and Renee Janowicz, APR, lead this professional learning and consultative opportunity offered through the TMI Education Strategic Visioning and Planning Division.

Dr. Matthew J. Murphy, a 33-year educator with proven, innovation-based leadership experience, will:

  • Share his leadership experience in developing the Profile of a Ramsey Graduate for the Bergen County school district that became the first in New Jersey to design and implement this vision-to-reality approach.
  • Demonstrate how the Profile of Your Graduate drives all aspects of your district's strategic vision and planning: curriculum revision, professional development, assessment practices, branding, budget, and more.
  • Offer practical, foundational guidance to help you get started on a profile process that will be customized for and by your community.

Co-presenting is Renee Janowicz, APR, a Vice President at New Jersey's premier school public relations firm: Laura Bishop Communications. She will:

  • Relate the importance of branding for public schools.
  • Suggest ways to better communicate with and educate the various stakeholders in your community.
  • Share examples of how modern school communications can be intentional and purposeful rather than incidental and fluffy.

Audience: All Grade PK-16 Educational Leaders

Presenters: Dr. Matthew Murphy, Former Ramsey Schools Superintendent; Ramapo College of NJ, MAEL Adjunct Professor; and Renee Janowicz, APR, Vice President Laura Bishop Communications

Location: FEA Conference Center - NJPSA/FEA Headquarters; 12 Centre Drive, Monroe Township, NJ

Date/Times: March 20, 2023; 9am-11:30am (EST)

About your presenters!

Dr. Matthew Murphy proudly served as Superintendent of the Ramsey Public Schools from 2012-2022, and brings broad educational experience to the role. He began his career in Wyckoff, New Jersey, as a teacher, a building-based technology coordinator, and as Vice Principal. He then served as the Assistant Superintendent of Curriculum and Instruction, Director of Elementary Education and Principal in the Westwood Regional School District. Prior to his superintendent’s role in Ramsey, Dr. Murphy was the School Superintendent of River Vale Public Schools.  Dr. Murphy is also an adjunct professor at Ramapo College, where he teaches in the Educational Leadership program, designed to equip prospective educators and administrators with essential content knowledge and skills for contemporary leadership in curriculum and supervision. 

If Renee Janowicz liked numbers, she would be the perfect person to turn your shoebox full of paperwork into an accurate tax return with orderly documentation. Numbers aren’t her forte, but she applies her organizational skills to other projects with outstanding results.

Renee added her strong background in media relations, education issues, and award-winning writing to Laura Bishop Communications in 2017. She earned Accreditation in Public Relations in 2022. Renee leverages experiences with schools, nonprofits, and corporations to help LBC clients develop strategic communications programs. They appreciate her ability to engage a range of audiences through the written word, and to track nitty gritty details so nothing gets overlooked. Clients and colleagues also know to expect emails after her morning walks, when deep thinking gels into great ideas.

To learn more about Renee, click here!



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