FREE WEBINAR! Navigating Complexity: TMI Education's Strategic Visioning and Planning Solution




"I've been part of other strategic planning processes with the district, and this was the best-organized and most logical process to date."

Join Richard Panicucci, TMI Education SVP and Director of Strategic Planning Division, Dr. Thomas Gorman, and Kaitlin Jones, TMI Education Lead Consultants and Strategic Planning Specialists, for an insightful webinar where they will unveil TMI Education's cutting-edge Strategic Visioning and Planning Solution designed to tackle the intricate challenges of educational organizations in this uniquely complex and unpredictable world. In today's rapidly evolving landscape, strategic planning has never been more crucial for sustainable success. 

Our approach integrates the community's voice into the heart of strategic decision-making, ensuring diverse perspectives shape the future direction. We believe collective perspectives and intelligence strengthen outcomes, making our process inclusive and representative.

Furthermore, our solution is meticulously designed to promote objectivity and neutralize biases, which is essential in handling the complexities of a multifaceted environment. By employing technology-enhanced tools, we streamline the planning process, enhance efficiency without sacrificing depth of thought, creativity, innovation, and effectiveness, and more adeptly utilize data as a focal point for collaborative analysis and problem-solving.

In a world where empathy is pivotal, we understand the need to connect with your unique context deeply. Our empathetic approach embraces the nuances of your organization, fostering a true understanding of your needs and aspirations.

Join us to explore how TMI Education's Strategic Visioning and Planning Solution empowers education organizations to navigate the unknown with confidence and craft a future that is purposeful, resilient, and will best prepare your learners for our most complex, complicated, and unpredictable contemporary age.

Embrace the complexity and pave the way forward with clarity and conviction!

Audience: Grade K-12 Administrators, Teacher Leaders, and Board Members
Lead Instructor:  Rich Panicucci, TMI Education SVP and Director of Strategic Planning Division 
Delivery Format: Virtual 
Date/Time: November 27, 2023; 5:30 PM - 6:30 PM

TMI Education's 10-Step Strategic Visioning and Planning Process

20 years of experience has informed the following practical 10-step blueprint:

  1. We believe: Identifying your core values.
  2. Why do we do what we do? Drafting a mission.
  3. What will the future look like for our students?
  4. What skills will they need to succeed?
  5. Creating a shared vision: What does success look like?
  6. Conducting a gap analysis: Where do we stand now?
  7. Setting broad, long-range goals.
  8. Crafting SMART objectives.
  9. Building action plans to ensure that the work gets done.
  10. Continuous formative assessment, evaluation, and adjustment.

A Sampling of TMI Education School District Clients

Caldwell-West Caldwell

Clinton Township


East Hanover

Glen Ridge


Morris Plains


West Essex


What Our Clients Say About Their TMI Education Strategic Planning Experience

I've been part of other strategic planning processes within the district and this was the best-organized and most logical process to date.

I loved the guidance we were given while still being allowed autonomy. We were respected and listened to as the experts on our district and TMI was the expert on the process.

Such a positive outlook on the whole process. This was my first strategic planning that I have ever been involved with and I loved it. Thank you!!!

I thought the atmosphere created was one that valued every participant and put people at ease to share their ideas. It was a pleasurable experience.

A very meaningful process, and I am honored to have been a part of it. 

Rich Panicucci, TMI Education SVP and Director of Strategic Planning Division

Rich has served as TMI Education Lead Consultant since its inception in 1999. In 2019, Rich assumed the position of SVP to guide TMI's Strategic Planning Division.

Throughout his nearly 30 years in education, Rich has served as a teacher, administrator, adjunct professor, and educational consultant specializing in innovation and strategic planning. Rich has led countless long-range strategic planning and program development/implementation initiatives as a long-time central office administrator and Assistant Superintendent of Curriculum and Instruction. In addition, he has directed the design of several partnerships with industry and local universities that resulted in the creation of new secondary, dual enrollment programs that prepare students for emerging fields such as mechatronics and user experience (UX) design. He has also written several publications on inquiry-based instruction and professional development.

To schedule your complimentary Strategic Visioning and Planning introductory consultative session today, please email or call Rich at:



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