Educational Duct Tape

Innovative Practice, Spotlight On TMI Artists Mini-course Series

In a multi-session, content-rich, idea-filled conference like this one, educators can fall into the trap of “paradox of choice,” which often keeps educators from integrating *any* of their newly learned skills. In this session, Jake will share about how “Educational Duct Tape” can help educators overcome this paradox.  Learn how Jake’s silly metaphor can be used as an #edtech integration mindset in your classroom, tomorrow!

Session Objectives:

  • Developing a mindset for selecting educational technology tools to learn about and integrate. 

  • Avoiding being feeling paralyzed by the number of edtech tool choices. 

Presenter: Jake Miller is an edtech and learning enthusiast who hosts the Educational Duct Tape podcast and shares #EduGIFs at @JakeMillerTech and on He works as a science teacher for the Orange City School District in Ohio and previously spent 5 years as a technology integration specialist and an additional 12 years in the classroom teaching math, science & STEM at various grade levels. Jake’s favorite job, however, is his full-time position as a husband and father.

Time: 45 Minutes



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