Bring It! 101™: The Collection

Bring It! 101™ Professional Learning Solution

Bring It 101™ Professional Learning Packages: The Collection

The Bring It! 101™ professional learning solution package modules can be purchased as a full collection for the incredibly low cost for only $49.95!

Individual Bring It! 101™ package modules can be purchased individually for only $9.99! The individual Bring It! 101™ module products can be accessed and purchased by clicking the desired title link below.

Don’t delay! Earn your first Bring It! 101™ certificate today!

Bring It 101Introduction

A Message from “Dr. Jim” Gamble, SVP of Research/Program Development and
Bring It! 101™ Lead Program Developer

Catering to the contemporary time-deprived educator, Bring It! 101™ provides practical, sustained, and conveniently accessible on-demand professional learning packages and coaching opportunities through concise and cohesive video segments that are organized under timely and relevant overarching themes.

The soul of the Bring It! 101™ professional learning solution is brain-compatible wellness and teaching strategies that are appropriately “chunked” and reinforced in real time for the purpose of strengthening teaching and learning in any classroom environment – physical, virtual , and hybrid.

The multiple benefits of Bring It! 101™ include:

  • Bring It™ Brain Blast Professional Learning Packages… delivered through a series of five, 4-5 minute cohesive video segments providing fresh ideas, practical and immediately applicable instructional strategies, motivational anecdotes, and sound words of advice…all personally brought to you by Bring It! 101™ lead program developer, “Dr. Jim.”
  • Bring It™ Brain Blast Guides… accompanying resources, complete with practical and easy-to-implement strategies – we call these…
  • Bring It™ Brain Blast Ideas (BBI’s)
  • Self-paced, on-demand and extremely affordable! Only $9.99 for each Bring It™ Brain Blast Professional Learning Package, and multiple-purchase discounted rates.

Bring It! 101™ Coach Options:

  • Level 1 – individual email/text chat support
  • Level 2 – individual email/text chat support and weekly virtual sessions
  • Level 3 (Organization) – individual email/text chat support for all members of the organization. 10 hours/month virtual support sessions.

Bringing It From Good to Great Teaching – Complimentary Offering!

The information that is presented in this package focuses on the ongoing process of Bringing It from Good to Great Teaching. The five (5) video clips provide the busy educator with ideas and insights as to how to remain focused on the process of becoming a great teacher. To access this special offering and meet “Dr. Jim” today at no cost, use Coupon Code “bringitfree“, add to your cart and submit your order!

Bringing a Strategic Approach for Dealing with Dyslexia 

The information that is presented in this package focuses on the fact that dyslexia can be viewed as both a cause for concern and as a gift. The five (5) video clips provide the busy educator with a strategic approach for dealing with dyslexia in the classroom.

Bringing Memory Strategies that Matter into the Classroom 

The information that is presented in this package focuses on how to enhance student memory and recall in the classroom. The five (5) video clips provide the busy educator with multiple brain compatible strategies that can be immediately implemented in the classroom.

Bringing Wellness into Practice 

The long-term wellness of you and your students is of critical importance now and into the future. The five (5) video clips that are included in this package provide the busy educator with a guide to brain compatible and research-based wellness strategies and activities that have proven to be most effective.

Bringing Out an I’m Okay Feeling 

Your teaching wisdom is defined and aligned to personal and professional wellness. The five (5) video clips that are included in this package provide the busy educator with a guide to brain compatible and research-based personal wellness strategies that are designed to build upon your personal and professional confidence and well-being.

Bringing The Read Aloud to a Higher Level

The five (5) video clips that are included in this package provide the busy educator with strategies and insights designed to bring the Read Aloud component of the instructional reading program to a higher level.

Bringing Forth Your Best as a Substitute Teacher

The information that is presented in this package focuses on how to ensure your success as a substitute teacher. The five (5) video clips provide the busy educator with ideas and suggestions that will help make the substitute teaching experience rewarding.

Bringing Increased Achievement Via Visible Assessments 

The five (5) video clips that are included in this package provide the busy educator with strategies and insights designed to promote assessment literacy and increased student achievement.

Bringing Action Research into Your Classroom

The information that is presented in this package focuses on how to implement action research for the purpose of improving the instructional program.

Bringing About Increased Student Achievement Through Formative Assessment

The five (5) video clips that are included in this package provide the busy educator with strategies for utilizing the critical attributes of formative assessment in an effort to significantly increase student achievement.

We all need someone to lean on. Let yours be “Dr. Jim!” 

A message from TMI Education CEO/Founder, Dr. Brian P. Chinni.

TMI Education is very proud to bring you …Dr. Jim! There are a few uniquely special individuals that you cross a fortunate path with that truly make a difference in your life. Those who will tirelessly persevere to change our world for the better. Those who selflessly and empathetically respond to all situations. Those who possess intellect and wisdom beyond all others. Those who will give every ounce to ensure your success. Among my few, is the one and only, “Dr. Jim” Gamble, TMI Education SVP for Research and Program Development and Lead Bring It! 101™ developer.

Dr. Jim is the epitome of an “educator.” He is a Teacher, a Vietnam Veteran, a Leader, a Motivator, a Coach, a Life-Long Learner, a Father Figure, and a Friend. I was fortunate to cross paths with Dr. Jim nearly thirty years ago as a “wet behind the ears” assistant principal who desperately needed someone to lean on. TMI Education’s Bring It! 101™ is your fortunate path to Dr. Jim’s endless pedagogical intellect, instructional wisdom, and unrivaled professional coaching. Novice or veteran, elementary or secondary, and no matter the content area, Dr. Jim will meet your unique individual professional needs  – and he will make you better.

Dr. Jim Gamble takes you on a journey toward becoming an even better teacher, bringing to you practical anecdotes, reflective thoughts and brain-compatible pedagogical strategies that work along with reasons to believe in yourself and your students. If this has not convinced you, take a look at this small sample of the testimonials below and then decide if you would like to lean on Dr. Jim…

“Wow! What a powerful seminar. The Reading Brain [with Dr. Jim] is the most rewarding seminar I have attended in years. The Madison Institute has proven once again its expertise in how to solve learning challenges and show teachers practical applications. I can’t wait for the next seminar”  (Teacher, Montvale School District)

“This was the best professional development seminar I ever attended. The information is practical and supported by good educational theory and practice. Very valuable experience.”  (Teacher, Immaculate Heart Academy

 “The presenter [Dr. Jim] was excellent. He possesses a wealth of information about the subject matter. The power-point presentation was very helpful because it amplified the information included in the workbook that was distributed. The quality of the information in the workbook was far superior to information that I’ve received when I attended other workshops. In addition, I enjoyed the small group and memory activities.”  (Teacher, Alexandria, Virginia School District

 “Very professionally done and delivered [by Dr. Jim]! Interesting research-based information with good resources given; applicable to our classrooms. One of the better workshops I’ve taken in 10 years.”  (Teacher, Dumont School District)

“The presenter [Dr. Jim] had a wealth of knowledge to share. He was interesting and personable and was really able to gear the information towards being meaningful for everyone involved. It was motivating and I am excited to implement some of the learned practices in my classroom. I definitely hope to be back soon to one of these seminars. Thanks so much!”  (Teacher, Oradell School District)

 “Great workshop. The information on Formative Assessment was/is very important to my current position and will help me improve instruction for my students. Dr. Jim integrated other areas of educational research and improvement – differentiated instruction/Bloom’s taxonomy/cooperative grouping/brain-based research…all of which supports the use of formative assessment. The small group setting was very conducive to discussion and questioning.”  (Teacher, Hackettstown School District)

“The best learners make the best teachers” (Dr. Jim, 1999). Are you the best you can be? If you still have some learning to do, let Dr. Jim Bring It!™ to you…today!



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