Rich Panicucci, TMI Education SVP, Strategic Planning Division
Rich is TMI Education SVP of Strategic Planning. He is Assistant Superintendent of Curriculum and Instruction for the Bergen County Technical Schools and Special Services. Over the past 20 years, he has served as a teacher, administrator, and educational consultant in the field of career and technical education. He was heavily involved in development of the Bergen County Academies in the early 1990’s and has since also played a major role in their integration of the International Baccalaureate Diploma Program into CTE Programs of Study. Rich coordinated the restructuring of their Paramus Special Needs Campus, which recently received the Panasonic Corporation’s National School Change Award for continuous improvement in student achievement. He has also written several publications in the areas of project-based instruction and professional development. Rich has been an outstanding lead trainer and consultant for The Madision Institute since 1999, specializing in effective technology integration; evaluation of teaching effectiveness; organizational and project management; and authentic-based instruction, assesment, and curriculum development in support TMI's Project ABLE initiative. In 2019, RIch assumed the position of Senior Vice President of TMI Education's Strategic Planning Division.

Please find below a list of live and/or on-demand professional learning programs provided by TMI Artist Rich Panicucci, TMI Education SVP, Strategic Planning Division. For more information regarding professional learning programs and customized consultative services that are supported by , please Contact us!

Grade-level: Leadership
Event or Workshop Name Location Workshop/Event Date/Time
FREE WEBINAR! Navigating Complexity: TMI Education's Strategic Visioning and Planning Solution Virtual Delivery