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Amplify Student (and Adult) Voice With Podcasting

Spotlight On TMI Artists Mini-course Series, Student Engagement And Differentiation, Student Voice

In today's digital age, audio recording is often overlooked as a mode through which students, teachers, and districts can tell their story. Learn how you can leverage the power of podcasting and see how it can break down barriers and establish / improve digital equity within your educational community.

Session Objectives: 

  • Discuss how podcasting can enhance the learning experience.

  • Highlight tools that can allow you to create podcasts and integrate audio into lessons

  • Explore the purpose and power in educational playlists.

Presenter: Carla Jefferson (@mrsjeff2u) is the director of the Darlington County Virtual Academy.  A 24 year veteran educator, Carla has been a classroom teacher, curriculum facilitator, a school and district level administrator. Before accepting the role of director for DCVA, she spent 5 years as an Instructional Technology Coordinator for DCSD.  She is an Apple Distinguished Educator, Certified Apple Learning Specialist,  Google Certified Educator/Trainer/Innovator, Remind Connected Educator and a member of the Remind Advisory Board.  Carla is a bonafide techie geek who loves to support educators and share innovate ways to integrate technology into the curriculum.  She currently serves as the past chairperson for the SCASA Instructional Technology Roundtable, and is a member of the ISTE Digital Equity PLN.

Time: 45 Minutes



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