TMI TMI EducationEducation

The Liberated Educator: You are the Binder!

Equity, Spotlight On TMI Artists Mini-course Series

In this session, we will take a look at some ways to create inclusion and community in any classroom or school and then examine our own identities to determine how who we are affects institutional inequalities that contribute to the predictability of who succeeds and fails in our schools.

Session Objectives:

  • Understand yourself as a cultural being and the impact this has on your students
  • Consider ways to engage your students and connect to them as unique individuals
  • Use the concept of mirrors, windows, and sliding doors as you select curriculum and texts for your students 

Presenter: Jeffery Heil has been an educator for 25 years. He has served as a classroom teacher, an instructional technology coach, an adjunct professor of education, and a Google in Education Trainer and Innovator. In this time he has continued to be an advocate for all students, especially those traditionally underserved by the U.S. educational institution.  He sees relationships as the core of education and strives to show all educators meaningful ways to incorporate technology into their curriculum to amplify student learning while not losing sight of the importance of seeing each student as a unique and important member of a classroom or school.

Time: 45 Minutes



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