John Worthington, Esq.
John Worthington, Esq., Education Law Specialist, NJPSA/FEA/LEGAL ONE; John Worthington is a consultant for LEGAL ONE (Law, Ethics, and Governance for All Leaders, including an Overview of New and Emerging issues) at NJPSA/FEA. John recently retired as Director of the Office of Special Education Policy and Procedure in the New Jersey Department of Education, where he was responsible, under federal statute and regulations, to operate a system of general supervision and monitor the implementation of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act of 2004 in New Jersey. As director of OSEPP, John oversaw the operation of multiple systems, including: Monitoring; Dispute Resolution; Complaint Investigation; Distribution and oversight of the IDEA Part B Grant; Oversight of Approved Private Schools for Students with Disabilities; Development of Policy, Guidance, and Administrative Code; and Special Education Data collection and analysis.