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AI: Illuminating Minds and Energizing Education


In Starry Messenger, Cosmic Perspectives on Civilization, Neil deGrasse Tyson writes, “...knowledge grows exponentially, not linearly, rendering our brains hopeless in our attempts to predict the future based on the past.”

The advent of fire, electricity and microchips are represented well in Tyson’s statement.  Prior to their invention/discovery, humans didn’t even have the language to imagine these quantum leaps. 

Electricity, a marvel of human innovation, ushered in a new era of productivity and convenience. Electricity was developed first and then to lighten our workload and simplify daily tasks, things were electrified - heralding exponential growth in mankind’s advancements. Today, even bicycles are electrified!   Similarly, AI is poised to be the driving force behind a paradigm shift in education, empowering educators to reimagine the learning experience and amplify their impact.

However, just as our bodies have had to adapt to the advent of artificial light, the current task we face  are the adaptations our brains & minds and beliefs & values must undergo to best realize the boundless potential of these tools. While we may initially encounter challenges in integrating AI into our lives and thereby school systems, the potential rewards of creativity, contemplation and self care “grow exponentially”. By embracing AI's capabilities in Apps like chatbots, translators and moviebots, we can free up mental space and enhance our teaching practices, leading to more fulfilling educational experiences for both educators and students.

In the publication from the US Department of Education’s Office of Technology, “Artificial Intelligence and the Future of Teaching and Learning”,  AI literacy is not only important to protect educators and students from possible dangers but also valuable to support teachers to harness the good and do so in innovative ways.

Protecting Educators and Students from Possible Dangers

Teacher and Student voices must be a part of the establishment of guidelines and guardrails, ensuring that using the many tools AI offers are effective, safe, and trustworthy for use with varied learners in diverse settings.  Ensuring security and privacy of student, teacher, and other human data in AI systems is essential. 

Additionally, trust will be hard to establish without the ability to ensure AI’s use by teachers and students is transparent, accountable and responsible.

Harnessing the Good in Innovative Ways

Excitingly, adopting AI in education has the potential to unlock intrinsic rewards that enrich both the teaching profession and the learning experience. Here are a few intrinsic rewards that educators can anticipate by employing AI’s numerous tools.

First, AI's ability to automate routine tasks allows educators to reclaim precious time. With fewer administrative burdens, educators can allocate more time for contemplation, reflection, and refining their teaching practices. In addition, using AI in this way will free up time for self-care, so necessary in these times of fragile mental health.

Second, AI can provide educators with valuable insights into individual student needs, enabling personalized learning experiences. By tailoring instruction to meet each student's unique requirements, educators can foster a more inclusive and engaging learning environment.

Finally, real diversity only occurs with real accessibility.  Can AI deliver that - yes - in surprising and delightful ways!  One example is  Handtalk, an AI driven language platform that turns text into American Sign Language (ALS), now that’s accessibility!

I think deGrasse Tyson is correct when he says us linear thinkers have difficulty with exponential knowledge growth -  but I would like to make an optimistic prediction - that we are quickly approaching the time when besides meaning College and Career Ready, C&C Ready will also stand for Contemplative and Creative Ready - that’s the power of the tools of AI to illuminate minds and energize education.