Sarah Fiedeldey is a Gravity Goldberg, LLC-TMI Education Literacy Alliance Grade K-12 Literacy Specialist/Consultant. Sarah is a dynamic educator with a decade of experience as a primary school teacher, and she brings to her work a readiness to admire, inquire, and celebrate. She also draws on her time as a middle school special education teacher, using this expertise to support professional learning communities to think deeply about what it means to be a responsive teacher. In addition to being an advocate for inclusive, equitable instruction, Sarah champions—and co-creates—collaborative professional learning. “Growing our practices together is the heart and soul of the work,” she says. “Teachers need choice and voice in their learning in the same way students do.” Sarah holds a Master’s degree in Reading from Montclair State University and additional coursework in Educational Leadership from Ramapo College of New Jersey. Sarah has established herself as a literacy instructor at both local and state professional learning workshops and has offered professional development in co-teaching partnership and practice. Like everyone at Gravity Goldberg LLC, Sarah feels fortunate to be able to bring the collective wisdom and energy of the team into her work in schools.