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Dr. Micah Shippee
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Micah Shippee, PhD is the Chief Executive Officer of Ready Learner One LLC operating at the intersection of research and practice. As a professor of planned change and innovation, learning theory, and organizational behavior, Micah’s instruction and academic publications focus on the adoption and deployment of new technological innovations in organizations. He is an author, educator, consultant and keynote speaker that focuses on the adoption of innovation through the development of cultures that embrace change. Micah has served as a middle school teacher for over two decades and further supports the educational community in several capacities including as a Lead for the Google Earth Education Experts team, a Google Certified Innovator, and a National Geographic Educator. He is the author of two books: WanderlustEDU: An Educator’s Guide to Innovation, Change, and Adventure and co-author of Reality Bytes: Innovative Learning Using Augmented and Virtual Reality. Micah, and his colleagues at Ready Learner One, design and develop innovative approaches to training and learning which find them leading efforts for the adoption of innovation around the world.

Please find below a list of live and/or on-demand professional learning programs provided by TMI Artist Dr. Micah Shippee. For more information regarding professional learning programs and customized consultative services that are supported by , please Contact us!

Grade-level: K-12 General
Event or Workshop Name Location Workshop/Event Date/Time
WanderlustEDU: An Educator’s Guide to Innovation, Change, and Adventure On-demand