TMI TMI EducationEducation
Paul Timm
Paul is a 7-12 science instructor from Lyons-Decatur Northeast Public Schools in Lyons, Nebraska. He holds three teaching endorsements in Biology, Agriculture Education, and Health Sciences Education, with a B.S. in Agricultural Education and a M.S. in Entomology from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. Paul loves the teachable moment and brainstorming how technology can be used to produce and enhance learning opportunities, especially through collaborative efforts between school districts both within the state of Nebraska and around the world.

Please find below a list of live and/or on-demand professional learning programs provided by TMI Artist Paul Timm. For more information regarding professional learning programs and customized consultative services that are supported by , please Contact us!

Grade-level: K-12 General
Event or Workshop Name Location Workshop/Event Date/Time
Exploring Honey Bee Dance Language through Google Earth Scavenger Hunts On-demand