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Tara Martin
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"Tara Martin is an enthusiastic educator, speaker, and author who thrives on change and refuses to settle for the status quo. She has served as a classroom teacher, an instructional coach for several years, and most recently as a district administrator.

As the founder of #BookSnaps, the latest reading comprehension strategy currently implemented in seventeen countries, she is always seeking unique ways to make learning fun, relevant and meaningful. Tara is the author of the inspirational book, Be REAL: Educate from the Heart and Cannonball In, a motivating picture book illustrated by Genesis Kohler.

Tara firmly believes machines and artificial intelligence will never replicate an individual’s REAL identity–the unique strengths, talents and life experiences of every human. Tara’s ambition is to lead a culture of innovative change, keep social emotional learning at the heart of our work, and encourage others to Cannonball In and fulfill their true potential!"

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