TMI Education facilitates engaging and innovative professional development workshops and events that guarantee our attendees leave with ideas ready to implement in the classroom immediately. A partnership with TMI is a partnership with prominent organizations, authors, scholars, and consultants such as NJPSA/FEA, LEGAL ONE, NJ CEC, ENVISION, Gravity Goldberg LLC, Springboard 21, InfoSavv21 Group, and one common goal - to enhance our students' learning experiences.

The Madison Institute - Our Work

Our work has covered many topics and has been delivered through varied mechanisms, from centralized training to e-learning solutions. Some of these include, but are not limited to:

  • Curriculum writing, mapping and renewal
  • State-wide assessment evaluation
  • International collaborative projects in support of authentic learning
  • Coaching & mentoring
  • Effective leadership
  • Effective teacher certification
  • Formative and performance assessment